NVYFL Age Matrix
This Age and Weight Matrix is OFFICIAL. Until such time as the Official Rules are updated, the below matrix will continue to serve as the OFFICIAL matrix. The minimum weight requirement for participating is 40lbs for Anklebiters and 56lbs for other weight classes. Players must weigh at or greater than the minimum by the official weigh-in (Typically mid-to-late August).
NVYFL Age Matrix
(If you have any questions regarding this age matrix, please contact your local club's commissioner.)
Birthday Age Cutoff Date: July 1st
* Maximum weight for a player to carry the ball in Anklebiters is 70lbs. Anklebiter players over the 70lb limit and all other unlimited players at other weight classes are not eligible to play in a position that normally handles the ball unless they are at or below the listed maximum ball carrier weight (the weight limit listed next to "Unlimited/" on the chart above). Positions excluded for unlimited players exceeding the maximum ball carrier limit include all offensive backfield positions, all eligible receivers and tight end positions, and any position not on the first line of a special teams formation. Exceptions include the offensive positions of center, punter, and placekicker.